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I am very disappointed that Mars is using Skittles packaging to corrupt the innocence of children with transgender and Lesbian Gay Bi-Sexual Transgender Queer Plus (LGBTQ+) propaganda.  The Skittles “Black Trans Lives Matter” packaging is outrageous.

Introducing children to transgender false narratives and LGBTQ+ lifestyles is reckless and shameful.  Children are far too undeveloped to respond maturely to gender or sexual preference situations.  A very high percentage of adolescents who experiment sexually end up taking the heterosexual path for life.  Exposing children to the least taken and highest risk sexual behaviors is reckless.  

Additionally, no matter how hard a man tries he can NEVER be a woman.  And a woman can NEVER be a man.  Promoting a man as a woman or a woman as a man defies science.  It is insulting to women.  It is a lie to our children and the public at large.
I urge Mars to protect the innocence of children by discontinuing the targeting of children with transgender and LGBTQ+ propaganda in its candy packaging.

Until this shameful packaging is dropped I will patronize other candy and pet food brands.

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