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On March 11, 2024, Michigan Islamic Scholar Ahmad Musa Jibril said in part: “There Can Be No Permanent Peace Treaty With Jews, Infidels Because It Cancels Out Jihad; When Muslims Get Stronger, The Treaty Is Over.” His lengthy dissertation espouses extensive hate toward and promises of eventual violence against American non-Muslims.

This proclamation by Jibril is most likely not his only message of hate for American infidels.  Ahmad Musa Jibril’s dangerous message is posted on X for all Islamists and unhinged leftists to be inspired by.  Advocating such hate against all infidels is a clear warning sign that hostility may follow.

Additionally, Counterterrorism.com reports:  In April 2014, ICSR researchers found that 60 percent of foreign fighters in Syria followed Jibril on Twitter.* Jibril has directly praised Syrian rebels, comparing them to those fighting on behalf of Islam in the religion’s early days. Jibril’s followers have primarily joined al-Qaeda-affiliated groups, but some have joined ISIS as well.* Jibril has been in direct contact with several foreign fighters and families of deceased fighters.* Jibril “bridges the gap” for Westerners who may not understand Arabic, according to Shiraz Maher, one of the study’s co-authors.* Jibril “provides the political and theological justification” and “comfort” to jihadists, according to ICSR director Peter Neumann.

Please put Ahmad Musa Jibril on the highest level of terror watch.

Thank you.

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