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In a Friday April 19, 2024 sermon at Masjid Al-Iman of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, which was streamed live on the mosque's Facebook page an unidentified imam's lies disparage Jews and Christians with the apparent intent to inspire hate among Islamist and leftist Facebook visitors.

The imam claimed that the actions of the "breed of humans" who are the Jews can be explained by studying the Talmud. Quoting from an Arabic source purported to be a translation of the Talmud, he said that the Jews believe that non-Jews are animals in human form that were created by God to serve them. He said that according to the Talmudic creed, it is an honor for the Jews to shoot Gazan babies while they are still in their incubators and it is permissible for them to steal land from non-Jews.

He joked that the Jews have a secret underground airline in the tunnels that were discovered under the Chabad-Lubavitch synagogue in Brooklyn's Crown Heights neighborhood, and that they fly from there to Palestine to steal Palestinian land. In addition, he asserted that throughout history, it was the Jews who "orchestrated everything against the Muslims" and it was the Christians who implemented these plans. The name of the imam was not provided by Masjid Al-Iman.

This sermon is most likely not Masjid Al-Iman's only message of hate for Jews and Christians .

Masjid Al-Iman’s dangerous message is posted on Facebook for all Islamists and unhinged leftists to be inspired by.  Advocating such hate is a clear warning sign that hostility may follow.

Please put Masjid Al-Iman Ft Lauderdale on the highest level of terror watch.

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