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I am disappointed that Arcadia Consumer Healthcare and Bansk Group spend customer money to buy CloSYS, Senokot, Fungi Nail, Opti Nail, SlowMag and Colace advertising on Joy Reid's anti-white, anti-Semitic and anti-Christian program The ReidOut.

The ReidOut’s host, sit in hosts and some contributors routinely promote anti-Semitic, anti-white and anti-Christian propaganda that is offensive and likely inspires hate among some viewers of this show.

Joy Reid also gaslights her audience with many false narratives that are intended to denigrate millions of Americans.  Joy Reid supports defund the police movement, defends Black Lives Matter riots, promotes reparations, advocates Critical Race Theory and disparages white people especially Christian white people.

448 other companies have stopped spending customer money to advertise on Joy Reid’s divisive and hate inspiring program.

Arcadia Consumer Healthcare and Bansk Group certainly have the right to advertise on whatever shows the companies choose.  Likewise, I have the same right to voice my concern and not patronize companies that support racist, anti-Semitic and anti-Christian program content.

I urge your companies to stop supporting Joy Reid’s divisive and hate inspiring program.

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