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Derrick Johnson
President and CEO

Dear President Johnson,

I respectfully encourage the NAACP to back off its call which urges Biden to halt the sale of weapons to Israel and pushes for a ceasefire.

To this day, even after months of annihilation from Israel, Hamas remains committed to the total death and destruction of Israel and the Jewish people.  

If Israel is to have a real chance at peace it is imperative that Hamas be completely destroyed.

Your calling for the US to stop arms sales to Israel and pushing for a ceasefire will only help Hamas to survive for another day to commit more horrendous acts of violence against the Jewish people.

Palestine is not a black issue, and it never was.  To the contrary, the Jews marched with Dr. King and went to jail with Dr. King.  Martin Luther King, Jr. stated “When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking anti-Semitism!”

Recent polls show that an overwhelming percentage of Palestinians support Hamas.

Please stop siding with Hamas.  Please back off your call which urges Biden to halt the sale of weapons to Israel and pushes for a ceasefire.

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