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In a June 21, 2024 Friday sermon at Lafayette, Louisiana, the imam said in his supplication: "Oh Allah, annihilate the Jews and the Chris… Oh Allah, annihilate the Jews and their helpers. […] kill them one by one and do not spare a single one of them." The sermon was streamed live on the Facebook page of the Islamic Center of Lafayette, which gave no indication as to the identity of the imam. However, online research suggests that the imam was Mohamad El-Saleh, whom according to news reports, represented the Islamic Center at a November 7, 2023 interfaith prayer for peace in the Middle East along with Christian and Jewish faith leaders and government officials at the Lafayette city hall. The Islamic Center of Lafayette has ties to the Muslim Students Association of the University of Lafayette, and is located near the University of Louisiana, Lafayette campus.

This sermon is most likely not the only message of hate for Jews and Christians spewed out at this mosque.

This imam’s dangerous message is posted on Facebook for all Islamists and unhinged leftists to be inspired by. 

Advocating such hate is a clear warning sign that hostility may follow.

Please put the Islamic Center of Lafayette mosque on the highest level of terror watch.

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