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Dear Commander Captain Rebecca Hooks,

Colorado Imam Karim Abuzaid taught a children's class at Chicago's Darul Quran Mosque on June 30, 2024, in which he instilled into the children that their number one goal in life is to die as a Muslim and go to Paradise. He also instructed the boys in the class not to look at the girls while they were delivering their answers. Video of the class was streamed live on Karim Abuzaid's YouTube channel.  This Chicago Imam incited children to be martyrs.

Karim Abuzaid: "What would be your number one goal in this life? What do you want to achieve out of this life?

"One goal – what do you want from this life? Okay, we said no collective answers, raise your hand and I'll pick you. I am going to pick the sisters sometimes, but I expect you not to look at the sisters, and if a sister speaks, you are not going to look at her, right? Because you are supposed to lower your gaze, right?

"What is your number one goal in this life?"

Children: "To go to Paradise!"

Abuzaid: "What does it take to get to Paradise? Here is the answer – to die as a..."

Children: "Muslim!"

Abuzaid: "...Muslim.

"Now, I am going to ask the question, and I want you to answer collectively. What does it take to get to Paradise?"

Children: "To die as a Muslim."

This curriculum is most likely not the only message of hate for Jews, Christians and infidels spewed out at this mosque.

This imam’s dangerous message is posted on YouTube for all Islamists and unhinged leftists to be inspired by. 

Advocating such hate is a clear warning sign that hostility may follow.

Please put the Darul Quran Mosque on the highest level of terror watch.

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