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I am shocked that Doctors Without Borders had a colleague, Fadi al-Wadiya, who developed missiles for the terror group Hamas and has another colleague, Mikhaela Reid, who demonstrates bias for Hamas in her posts on LinkedIn that show her having sympathy for the people of Gaza while having disdain for Israel.

That might explain why Doctors Without Borders likes to advertise at HuffPost, one of the most Islamist doctrine friendly leftist news sites in America.

HuffPost publishing of articles that support Islamist activism is very common.  HuffPost publishes dangerous Islamist propaganda that has defended misogynistic Sharia law, defended the Muslim Brotherhood, fundraised for the Council on American Islamic Relations, blamed Christians for worldwide conflict with Muslims, promoted an anti-Semitic blog and encouraged Islamist demagoguery.

Furthermore, Huffpost.com routinely publishes many venomous articles that inflame negative attitudes towards Christians, Jews, American troops, police and white people. These articles certainly inspire division at the least and disdain for other American citizens at the worst.

I am very disappointed that Doctors Without Borders spends donor money on HuffPost propaganda that deceives its readers, inspires hate toward other Americans and promotes Islamist propaganda.

Doctors Without Borders certainly has the right to advertise in whatever media it chooses.  I have the same right to voice concern regarding the content on such media and support organizations that will not spend my money on such advertising.

I urge you stop supporting HuffPost.com’s vitriol, Islamist propaganda and other leftist lies with donor money.

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