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On August 2, 2024 Detroit Imam Imran Salha preached at the Islamic Center of Detroit:  "Islam Is America’s Last Hope; Muslims In The U.S. Have Two Jobs – Teaching About Allah And Frustrating The Zionists; They Are The Cockroaches Of History, And We Are The Liberators." 

Salha said in part that Islam is superior, that it is the last hope for America, that the way America treats Muslims around the world will dictate its longevity, that the Muslims will never truly find favor with the Christians and the Jews, that the job of Muslims in America is to teach about Allah and “frustrate” the Zionists, and that the Zionists are the “cockroaches of history,” while the Muslims are “the liberators.”

See full sermon here https://jihadwatch.org/2024/08/detroit-imam-zionists-are-the-cockroaches-of-history-and-we-are-the-liberators

This proclamation by Detroit imam Imran Salha is most likely not his only message of hate for American Christians, Jews and infidels or vitriolic messages preached at the Islamic Center of Detroit.

Detroit imam Imran Salha’s dangerous message is posted on YouTube for all Islamists and unhinged leftists to be inspired by. 

Advocating such hate against all Christians, Jews and infidels is a clear warning sign that hostility may follow.

Please put Detroit imam Imran Salha and the Islamic Center of Detroit on the highest level of terror watch.

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