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I am very disappointed that Envision Outdoor Living Products supports Huffpost's new fundraising based political extremism and disinformation. is raising money to engage in openly partisan politics to counter the Trump administration with deliberate disinformation. This web page states in part: “HuffPost Needs Your Support Now More Than Ever. Now that Donald Trump has regained the most powerful seat in the world, one should believe he will act on all of his fresh grievances, threats to enact a dictatorship on Day One, and for calls of retribution against his enemies. America is facing the greatest challenge to our democratic experiment since the Civil War.”
Companies that advertise at knowing about the website’s new openly partisan and deliberate disinformation posture are complicit with all of this leftist extremism.
Huffpost has published many embellished or falsely based articles to inflame negative attitudes toward targeted Americans which certainly inspire division at the least and disdain for other American citizens at the worst.
HuffPost is a virulent supporter of the Islamist political agenda and Hamas vs. Israel.
Envision Outdoor Living Products certainly has the right to advertise on whatever media it chooses. Likewise, I have the same right to voice concern and not patronize companies that support leftist political extremism, vitriolic disinformation and Islamist propaganda with its customers’ money.